① A haziri oghere nke colostomy na ileostomy nke ọma ma gosipụta ya n'ezie.
nye nwa akwụkwọ ahụ ohere ọzụzụ n'ezie.
② The colostomy nwere ike na-eme postoperative stoma enlargement omume, stoma.
ihe omume ogbugba mmiri n'ubi, ntinye nke akpa stool nọọsụ na mmega ahụ enema.
③ Enwere ike iji mmiri gbazee akwa stool ma mee ya ugboro ugboro.
④ A na-eme stoma ahụ nke ihe dị nro maka mmetụ kachasị mma.
⑤ The ileostomyport na-enye ohere maka mgbatị nri tube.
Nkwakọ ngwaahịa: 48cm * 31cm * 46cm 4kgs
Nke gara aga: Ihe Nlereanya Nasogastric tube na tracheal dị elu Osote: Ihe Nlereanya Ọzụzụ Enema dị elu na enyere aka